West Papua Documentary Highlights Brutal Policies of Indonesia (Paradise Bombed)

West Papua Documentary Highlights Brutal Policies of Indonesia (Paradise Bombed)

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

A documentary covering the brutal policies of Indonesia in West Papua is essential viewing. Accordingly, the documentary Paradise Bombed by Kristo Langker highlights the brutal reality of the ongoing crisis in West Papua, which is glossed over internationally. 

President Benny Wenda of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) praised the documentary maker and researcher for their work. 

Wenda said: “We are murdered, tortured, and raped, and then our land is stolen for resource extraction and corporate profit when we flee.”

He continued, “Aside from the number of Kiwirok people killed by Indonesian troops – ranging between 21 and 72 – witnesses from the village say that hundreds have died of starvation while living in the bush, where they lack food, water, and adequate medical supplies. Villagers attempting to return to Kiwirok have been attacked by Indonesian soldiers – shot at close range, with sniper rifles, and tortured. The names of Kiwirok residents are now added to the 60,000 – 100,000 who have been forcibly displaced by Indonesian militarisation since 2018. The international community knows this is a grave humanitarian crisis, and yet still refuses to act. Why?” 

Oppression in West Papua at the hands of Indonesia continues unabated – decade after decade. Sadly, regional nations throughout the Asia-Pacific negate any sense of justice concerning the indigenous Papuans. 

UN News reports, “Between April and November 2021, we have received allegations indicating several instances of extrajudicial killings, including of young children, enforced disappearance, torture and inhuman treatment and the forced displacement of at least 5,000 indigenous Papuans by security forces.”

UN News further stated (Special Rapporteurs investigation)“We are particularly disturbed by reports that humanitarian aid to displaced Papuans is being obstructed by the authoritiesIn several incidents, church workers have been prevented by security forces from visiting villages where IDPs are seeking shelter.”

The documentary Paradise Bombed provides “an important window” into the crimes being committed by Indonesia against the indigenous.

The Guardian says, “Indonesia has controlled West Papua since invading in 1963 and formalizing its annexation through the controversial, UN approved, ‘Act of Free Choice’. Security forces are accused of severe human rights violations during the occupation with an estimated 500,000 Papuans killed.”

The BBC reports, “The appropriation of land for new settlements, forestry concessions, mining projects including oil, gas, copper, and gold and farming, as well as military presence has infringed upon indigenous rights to land, resources and culture.”

Wenda also said: “Indonesia tells the world they are developing West Papua, but this is a lie. It is not development but destruction. Destruction of our mountain, our forest, our tribal culture. Military operations continue in Intan Jaya because Indonesia is building a gold mine there, Wabu Block. They are building the trans-Papua highway through our rainforest because they want to take our natural resources. Instead of this environmental destruction, the world must support our Green State Vision, which offers a future for all of humanity.” 

The documentary Paradise Bombed focuses on several villages bombed by Indonesia – and how food insecurity and brutal conditions are an endless tool by Indonesia to crush the spirit of the Papuans.

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