Christian Churches Attacked by Muslims in Pakistan: Blasphemy and Forced Conversions

Christian Churches Attacked by Muslims in Pakistan: Blasphemy and Forced Conversions

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumiand Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

At least five Christian Churches have been attacked in Pakistan after alleged blasphemy. As usual, Christianophobia is easy to muster in Pakistan. Hence, the churches singled out by Muslims are all about imposing “dhimmitude” by stealth. 

Christians were attacked in Faisalabad in the town of Jaranwala after blasphemy allegations. Accordingly, for Muslims who hate Christians, it was another excuse to attack Christian churches and Christians. 

Bishop Azad Marshall said, “Words fail me as I write this. We bishops, priests, and laypeople are deeply pained and distressed at Jaranwala incident in the district of Faisalabad.” 

The Bishop continued, “A church building is being burnt as I type this message. Bibles have been desecrated and Christians have been tortured and harassed…” 

Reuters reports, “Rights groups say accusations of blasphemy are also misused to settle scores. Hundreds of people are languishing in prison after being accused of it as judges often put off trials, fearing retribution if they are seen as too lenient, they say.”

Christian and Hindu families – and other minorities – also fear their children being converted forcibly to Islam in Pakistan. 

The United Nations (UN) is also concerned by events in Pakistan. Recently, the UN released a statement saying: “We are deeply troubled to hear that girls as young as 13 are being kidnapped from their families, trafficked to locations far from their homes, made to marry men sometimes twice their age, and coerced to convert to Islam, all in violation of international human rights law.”

Kashif Nawab (Director of Social Action Transformation of Humanity) said: Parents of Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs – notably in Sindh and Punjab – reside in fear because of blasphemy laws, forced conversion to Islam, and other areas of enormous discrimination.”

Kashif Nawab continued: “Government institutions and the ruling political elites aren’t implementing concrete policies to end the misuse of blasphemy laws by religious extremists in Pakistan.”

Religious minorities need greater protection in Pakistan.

Christianophobia is responsible for massacres against Christians in several nations. Also, apostates from Islam to Christianity are killed – or put in prison – in several countries in Africa and Asia based on Islamic Sharia law. 

In Saudi Arabia, all non-Muslim holy places are illegal. – Kashif Nawab Christian Journalists Association of Pakistan CJAP

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi’s website and Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News



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