EU Warns of Another Arab Genocide Against non-Arab Masalits (Darfur)

EU Warns of Another Arab Genocide Against non-Arab Masalits (Darfur)

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The European Union is concerned for the non-Arab Masalits in Darfur who face “another genocide” by Arab militias and remnants of the Rapid Support Forces.

Josep Borrell (the European Union’s chief diplomat) said, “These latest atrocities are seemingly part of a wider ethnic cleansing campaign conducted by the RSF with the aim to eradicate the non-Arab Masalit community from West Darfur, and comes on top of the first wave of large violence in June.” 

Naturally, Arab protests against the endless massacres of black African Masalits aren’t being witnessed throughout West Asia and North Africa – nor by Muslim protesters and the politically correct liberals who ignore Darfur but condemn Israel. 

Slavery only ended in the land of Mecca and Medina in the 1960s after international pressure. Hence, reports of Arabs enslaving Masalit women in Darfur – similar to Arab members of ISIS (Islamic State – IS) in Iraq holding Yazidi slaves – are emerging. 

Borrell continued, “The international community cannot turn a blind eye on what is happening in Darfur and allow another genocide to happen in this region.”

Voice of America reports, “Reuters has reported that between April and June this year, the RSF and allied Arab militias conducted weeks of systematic attacks targeting the Masalit, El Geneina’s majority tribe, as war flared with Sudan’s army.”

Andrew Mitchell (the UK Minister for Africa) – concerning events in West Darfur – said, “What is happening in Darfur is that innocent people are being attacked by militias, particularly by the RSF. They are being hounded from their homes and murdered, women are being raped and attacked, houses are being burnt, crops and cattle destroyed.” 

Mitchell continued, “This has all the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing. And it’s going on just as it was back from 2003 onwards. It’s going on in the same way today, if anything with even more ferocity.”

Initially, heavy military clashes between the forces of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan (head of the Sudanese armed forces) and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (known as Hemedti – the leader of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces)focused extensively on Khartoum. However, with tensions already existing in other parts of the country, notably in Darfur and South Kordofan, fresh convulsions erupted in other parts of Sudan. Therefore, Arab militias and the RSF have begun killing non-Arabs again in Darfur – alongside other atrocities in other parts of the country.

UN News reports, “The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) expressed alarm on Friday over reports that in Sudan, women and girls are being abducted, chained and held in “inhuman, degrading slave-like conditions” in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Darfur.”

CNN reports, “Members of African ethnic groups in Sudan’s Darfur region appear to have been rounded up by members of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and other Arab militias, according to videos and images verified and geolocated by CNN.”

Sadly, despite the dire situation in Sudan and other nations, including Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar, Syria, and Yemen, the international media is overtly fixated on two conflicts (Ukraine and Gaza) to the detriment of other conflicts where people need emergency assistance.

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi and her website – Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News



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