Christian Communities Attacked in Nigeria: At Least 140 Dead (Commonwealth) 

Christian Communities Attacked in Nigeria: At Least 140 Dead (Commonwealth) 

Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Christians are killed year in and year out in Nigeria. Accordingly, the latest news that 140 people have been killed in Christian-dominated communities by suspected Fulani Muslims isn’t a shock. 

In the United Kingdom, the politically correct mantra of the Commonwealth is unity and diversity. However, the reality is very different. Therefore, Christians are butchered in Nigeria, Buddhists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts face endless Muslim Bengali settlements in Bangladesh, and the United Nations condemned Pakistan for doing little to stem older Muslim males from forcibly converting young Christian and Hindu girls and marrying them – other Commonwealth nations also harbor religious and ethnic tensions. 

AP News reports, “Amnesty International’s Nigeria office told The Associated Press that it has so far confirmed 140 deaths in the Christian-dominated Bokkos and Barkin-Ladi areas of Plateau, based on data compiled by its workers on the ground and from local officials. There were fears of a higher death toll as some people remained unaccounted for.”

Caleb Mutfwang (the Governor of Plateau) said, “As I am talking to you, in Mangu local governorate alone, we buried 15 people. As of this morning, in Bokkos, we are counting not less than 100 corpses. I am yet to take stock of [the deaths in] Barkin Ladi.”

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “France calls for the perpetrators of these attacks to be identified and brought to justice…”

However, Christians are butchered every year by Muslims (Fulani Muslims to Boko Haram terrorists), and little changes apart from empty words by the authorities in Nigeria. 

Sunday Oibe (Northern CAN Secretary – The Christian Association of Nigeria) said, “This is one attack too many on the Plateau. Since this democratic dispensation, Plateau has consistently suffered so much in the hands of terrorists and bandits.”

International Christian Concern (ICC) reports that they have “been chronicling attacks against Christian communities by Fulani militias in Nigeria and named the country as one of the most dangerous for believers. More than 50,000 Christians have been killed in the Middle Belt region over the past 20 years, and millions have been displaced.”

Vatican News reports, “Christians risk their lives not only at the hands of Boko Haram, but also of ethnic Fulani Muslim herders who have joined Islamist extremist groups… The attacks have led to mass forcible displacement. About 5 million Christians have been displaced and forced into Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps within Nigeria and refugee camps at regional and sub-regional borders…”

The Commonwealth is doing little to address the crisis in Nigeria, where Christians are killed in huge numbers every year.

Sadly, even after the latest massacre, few people expect concrete measures to be taken. 

Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News – Sawako Utsumi’s website and Modern Tokyo Times artist Modern Tokyo News – Tokyo News and International News



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