UN Experts Say Hamas Raped and Mutilated Jews (Yazidis, Darfur, and Slavery)

UN Experts Say Hamas Raped and Mutilated Jews (Yazidis, Darfur, and Slavery)

Kanako Mita, Sawako Utsumi, and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

Over 1,200 Jews were killed by Hamas Islamists in a pogrom that took place on October 7th. They also killed migrant workers and anyone deemed loyal to Israel.

Palestinians who supported the pogrom by Hamas also committed brutal crimes against Jewish women. Accordingly, Jewish women were raped, gang raped, and mutilated by Palestinians who supported the actions of Hamas. 

In recent history, Arab Sunni Islamists (Hamas is Sunni Islamist) have put Alawites in Cages in Syria, ethnically cleansed Christians in Iraq, ISIS (Islamic State) enslaved Yazidis and raped and butchered this religious minority, and sectarian atrocities against the Shia in Iraq. 

Also, in Sudan, Arab Muslims are butchering black African Muslims in Darfur and raping African women – similar to Arabs who enslaved the black African Dinka (Animists and Christians) and other African ethnic groups in Sudan before South Sudan gained independence. 

In Libya, some black Africans have also been branded by Arabs in recent years and sold many times. 

Times Magazine reports, “By the time his Libyan captors branded his face, Sunday Iabarot had already run away twice and had been sold three times. The gnarled scar that covers most of the left side of his face appears to show a crude number 3. His jailer carved it into his cheek with a fire-heated knife, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.”

It should be remembered that slavery was only banned in the land of Mecca (Saudi Arabia) in the 1960s after international pressure. Henceforth, the nature of slavery, sexual hatred installed against non-Muslims, dhimmitude, and so forth is a pervading reality based on 1,300 years of Arab Islamic slavery that impacted parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. 


Two UN (United Nations) independent experts said, “The growing body of evidence about reported sexual violence is particularly harrowing.” 

Reuters reports, “The statement referred to allegations of sexual torture including rape and gang rape as well as mutilations and gunshots to genital areas.”

UN experts continued, “These acts constitute gross violations of international law, amounting to war crimes which, given the number of victims and the extensive premeditation and planning of the attacks, may also qualify as crimes against humanity.”

The New York Times reports, “Reporters interviewed witnesses who described seeing women raped and killed along a highway, reviewed photographs that showed a woman’s corpse with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin, and spoke with volunteer medics and Israeli soldiers who came across at least 24 bodies of women and girls in at least six houses, some mutilated, some tied up, and many naked and alone.”

The BBC says, “Several people involved in collecting and identifying the bodies of those killed in the attack told us they had seen multiple signs of sexual assault, including broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears, and that the victims ranged from children and teenagers to pensioners.”


The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights (Volker Türk) notified the Human Rights Council in Geneva about the ongoing violence in 2023.

Volker Türk said, “In West Darfur, ethnically motivated attacks perpetrated by the RSF and allied Arab militia have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of non-Arab civilians primarily from Masalit communities.”

Belkis Wille (Human Rights Watch – Crisis and Conflict Director) said: “The Rapid Support Forces and allied militias appear responsible for a staggering number of rapes and other war crimes during their attack on El Geneina.”

AP reports, “Darfur was the scene of genocidal war in the early 2000s, when state-backed Arab militias known as the Janjaweed were accused of widespread killings, rapes and other atrocities. The Janjaweed later evolved into the RSF.”

The Holocaust Museum of Houston says, “Although the Darfur region is predominantly Muslim, there were economic and tribal/ethnic differences in the region. Economically, the Arab groups had been nomadic herders while the African groups (such as the Fur, Maasalit and Zaghawa) were pastoralists. The Sudanese government exploited these differences by arming ethnic Arab militia groups, known as the “Janjaweed,” to attack the ethnic African groups. The government would attack from the air, and then, the Janjaweed forces would enact a scorched earth campaign, burning villages and poisoning wells. Nearly 400,000 people have been killed, women have been systematically raped and millions of people have been displaced as a result of these actions.”

Josep Borrell (the European Union’s chief diplomat) said, “These latest atrocities are seemingly part of a wide ethnic-cleansing campaign conducted by the RSF with the aim to eradicate the non-Arab Masalit community from West Darfur.”


The indigenous Yazidis are a religious minority that has faced countless pogroms and massacres by Islamists throughout history. Accordingly, the recent events of Yazidi women and girls being raped and enslaved by ISIS Islamists – and many butchered – is sadly all too familiar. 

The BBC says, “When IS (ISIS) stormed into their ancestral heartland in northern Iraq, the Yazidis fled to Mount Sinjar. Many were killed and some 7,000 women and girls were seized and enslaved. Many of them were raped.”

Investigators from the United Nations (UN) human rights committee finally stated that ISIS (Islamic State – IS)committed genocide against the embattled Yazidis. Of course, while this is welcomed (2016), it remains unclear why this wasn’t stated much earlier. 

Photos and other evidence showed abhorrent images of ISIS burning Yazidis alive, enslaving females for sexual slavery, killing older females because they can no longer have Islamized children, forcibly converting Yazidi children to Sunni Islam – and a host of other factors ranging from statements by ISIS and the cleansing of this religious minority from various areas.

Reuters reports (2014), “Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said the Sunni militants had also buried alive some of their victims, including women and children. Some 300 women were kidnapped as slaves, he added... We have striking evidence obtained from Yazidis fleeing Sinjar and some who escaped death, and also crime scene images that show indisputably that the gangs of the Islamic States have executed at least 500 Yazidis after seizing Sinjar,” Sudani said in a telephone interview, in his first remarks to the media on the issue.”

Al-Monitor reports (2014) about the Christians of Syria: “…fear of a new kind permeates this ancient and deeply rooted community. Genocide and ethnic cleansing are very real threats that haunt the collective conscience of Syria’s Christians. The terrible fate that befell their co-religionists across the border in Mosul has driven these points home in a rather blunt and frightening way. The genocidal, nihilistic death cult of the Islamic State (IS) is hell-bent on destroying everything that is not exactly it, and has been on an unstoppable rampage which has left a trail of decapitated bodies and mass graves in its wake, usually those of ethnic and religious minorities. The militants make no secret of their genocidal campaigns of mass murder and medieval violence; on the contrary, they openly celebrate with glee and revel in them. It is not a means to an end; for them, it is the end itself.”


One can only imagine how many Jews would have been butchered by Hamas and ordinary Palestinians if Israel didn’t have a strong army. After all, look what ISIS Sunni Islamists did to the Yazidis – and ongoing events in Darfur where Arabs are butchering and raping African Muslims. 





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