Haiti and the UN: Over 130 Sri Lankan Peacekeepers involved in Child Sex Ring and other Nations

Haiti and the UN: Over 130 Sri Lankan Peacekeepers involved in Child Sex Ring and other Nations

Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

The United Nations (UN) brought cholera to Haiti that killed vast numbers of people and now it turns out that mass sexual abuse of children happened by several forces. If this isn’t alarming enough – and a familiar UN path where peacekeepers abuse children and women alike – then virtually no culprits are being held accountable. In other words, it appears that the upper echelons of the UN and nation states are tolerating sexual abuse because the same issue keeps on popping up.

Apparently, several nations are implicated in the latest scandal that should shame the UN and all nations that are not taking child sexual abuse seriously. Of notable concern are the armed forces of Sri Lanka – a nation that is implicated in the abuse of Tamils from an internal crisis that blighted this country for decades – because currently 134 peacekeepers from Sri Lanka are being implicated in the abuse of children in Haiti. Therefore, with this nation coming under scrutiny about what happened to Tamils in the past prior to going to Haiti, it seems that the UN is a structure based on blindness.

According to an internal UN report that is currently being checked over by Associated Press (AP), a sex ring between 2004 and 2007 involved the systematic child sexual abuse of nine children. Hence, 134 peacekeepers from Sri Lanka were abusing the same children and passing them around among 134 troops. Of course, this is most likely to be the tip of the iceberg.

Yet, while this depravity is shocking the same applies to how these troops are getting away with child sexual abuse and creating sex rings. After all, of the 114 peacekeepers from Sri Lanka who were sent home not one was sent to prison. In other words, the nation-state of Sri Lanka must deem children from Haiti to be of no value. Similarly, for the UN not to put enormous pressure on this nation – and other nations involved in the rape of children and child sex rings – then the upper echelons of the UN are betraying all these children – just like cover ups by various religious elites in several nations that bypass any one single faith.

AP reports, In March, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced new measures to tackle sexual abuse and exploitation by U.N. peacekeepers and other personnel. But the proclamation had a depressingly familiar ring: More than a decade ago, the United Nations commissioned a report that promised to do much the same thing, yet most of the reforms never materialised… For a full two years after those promises were made, the children in Haiti were passed around from soldier to soldier. And in the years since, peacekeepers have been accused of sexual abuse the world over.”

Other nations are also implicated in the child sexual abuse of boys and girls in Haiti. Likewise, peacekeepers are known to use “survival sex” against women who face desperate times. It also came to light that Uruguayan peacekeepers were filming a young boy being gang-raped on cell phones in 2011.

Bob Corker, United States Senator for Tennessee, said appropriately after another UN child sex scandal in the Central African Republic, If I heard that a U.N. peacekeeping mission was coming near my home in Chattanooga… I’d be on the first plane out of here to go back and protect my family.”

Other cases involve a Brazilian peacekeeper that raped a woman and got her pregnant. While, it is known that three nationals from Pakistan, who were part of UN police units, raped a mentally disabled child of 13 years of age. All in all, it is most likely that the crisis is even more severe because of child sex rings, rape for food, and other barbaric realities, that follow UN peacekeepers from nation to nation.


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